
Dissident Voice

We can disrupt the Mass Hypnosis as long as the Dissident Voice continues to speak out. Throughout history mass destruction / totalitarianism began only after the opposition stopped speaking out

The Dissident Voice - it’s just crucial, I repeat this time and time again, that the dissident voice continues to speak out even when we see time and time again that the people who are into the narrative, the corona narrative, or into the mass formation do not wake up.

Still, we will never succeed in waking up the people in the mass formation. That is impossible. Usually. Sometimes, exceptionally, someone will wake up definitely. It happens time-to-time.

People won’t wake up, but the dissident voice will constantly disturb the hypnosis, constantly. And Gustav le Bon mentioned already that in a strange way if the dissident voices continue to speak out the hypnosis never becomes so deep that people become convinced that it is their ethical duty to kill the people or to eliminate the people who do not go along with the masses.

So that’s crucial that you talk and you speak.

Never expect that you will wake up people because you will be disappointed and you will become exhausted.

You just have to know that just expressing your opinion, by just speaking out, you will disturb, you will put the seeds of doubt every time again in the people who believe in the narrative.

And then, that’s the strategy. The only thing you have to do, we have to continue to speak out, and maybe it’s all become dangerous, it’s perfectly possible, but still we have to continue, and that way the masses and the crowds and totalitarianism are typically self-destructive. They exhaust themselves. In the end they become radically self-destructive towards themselves.

The masses and the totalitarian state, to put it in the words of Hannah Arendt, typically devours its own children in the end.

In most countries the process of mass formation started but it collapsed quite soon. Quite early. 

And there are only two countries like Nazi Germany and Russia. The reason why the process of mass formation collapsed before the destruction began in the other countries was that people continued to speak out while in Nazi Germany and in the Soviet Union, the opposition, the resistance, at a certain moment decided to stop to speak out and to go underground

That happened in 1930 in the Soviet Union and 1935 in Nazi Germany. And within six months, eight months, the destruction began. Stalin started his large purges which claimed tens of millions of victims somewhere between 1930 and 1931, and the same thing happened in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1936. Very shortly after the opposition decided to stop to speak out.  

Be a Dissident Voice!